Dear Participants,
Welcome to the 9th ENSEC Conference in Greece, with the theme Social Emotional Learning for Lifetime Achievement.
It is our honor and pleasure to welcome you to Crete, in Chania. We are very happy to meet you all in September 2024 and spend three days collaborating on our common research interests in promoting Social and Emotional Learning. Scholars from Europe, USA, and Australia will participate in this meeting. Distinguished speakers will address the latest research on SEL and its impact on our lives. Presenters will share their projects and guide us in a productive exchange of thoughts and reflective dialogue. We hope that you will be inspired and enrich your ideas and experiences in the field of SEL, resilience, and mental health.
On behalf of the European Network for Social and Emotional Competences, the University of Patras, the International Scientific Committee, the Organizing Committee, and Symvoli, we cordially thank each one of our participants for joining this meeting!
Enjoy the 9th ENSEC Conference!
Maria Poulou
Conference Chair

SEL and Mental health in schools


Teacher training in SEL


SEL and assessment

SEL and intercultural understanding

SEL and educational policy development-consultation

SEL for sustainable development

SEL and technology-media

SEL and inclusive practices

Stephen Elliott
Professor, Arizona State University, USA

Eva Oberle
Associate Professor, The University of British Columbia, Canada

Helen Skouteris
Professor, Monash University, Australia

Stephanos Vassilopoulos
Professor, University of Patras, Greece

Kimberly Schonert-Reichl
Professor, University of Illinois Chicago, USA